About me
• Since 1990 I have been presenting my free Artworks across Europe and abroad within Exhibitions,
Mural productions and commissioned works.
• In 2005 I graduated studying Illustration at the University for Applied Sciences in Münster (Germany).
Focused on Children’s Books, I deepened my knowledge of Illustration, which helped me to get several books and many Board/Card Games published until today.
• In addition to Illustration/Painting I also work as a Visualizer for Advertising Companies,Print, TV and WEB.
• From 2005 - 2021 I have lived in Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
• In 2021 I moved back to my HomeTown Augsburg (Germany) together with my family.
Mural productions and commissioned works.
• In 2005 I graduated studying Illustration at the University for Applied Sciences in Münster (Germany).
Focused on Children’s Books, I deepened my knowledge of Illustration, which helped me to get several books and many Board/Card Games published until today.
• In addition to Illustration/Painting I also work as a Visualizer for Advertising Companies,Print, TV and WEB.
• From 2005 - 2021 I have lived in Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
• In 2021 I moved back to my HomeTown Augsburg (Germany) together with my family.
2018 "Kinderspiel des Jahres", Children's Game of the Year Award 2018, Hamburg (DE)